Latvia is located in Northern Europe, one of the Baltic nations. Capital city is Riga

It was under German Rule for centuries, breaking into independence in 1918. Though later it was again invaded by Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, It restored its independence in 1991

Latvia is a developed country, very high Human development Index with high income advanced economy and high living standards

Latvia is a member of European Union, NATO, The Council of Europe, The United Nations, The Council of Baltic Sea States, IMF, OECD, WTO, OSCE,Eurozone

Euro became the country’s currency in January 2014.

Latvia has one of the highest GDP growth rates in Europe.  Latvia is part of Schengen area

In 2010 Latvia Launched a Residence by Investment program (Golden visa). This program allows foreign investors to get a Latvian residence permit by investing atleast €250,000, in property or in enterprise with 50 employees


Latvia has got many world ranking universities which are affordable for international students

The University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies and Riga Straddins University are major universities of Latvia

Apart from these there are many other technical and management universities like Turiba, Riseba etc. Fee starts from 2 lakhs to 3.5 lakhs per annum.

Medical aspirants can also choose this country for their medical degree program in world class university, at affordable costs

Courses- Engineering, Management, Life sciences, Medicine

Advantages- English taught programs are offered at affordable cost for international students

With various scholarship schemes and internships

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