TURKEY-The New Hub for Global investors and international students


Turkey, is a transcontinental country with a portion lying in Europe and rest in West Asia.

It shares borders with Greece, Bulgaria on European side. Turks and Kurds form the population

Capital is Ankara, financial center is Istanbul. It is one of the earliest permanently settled regions.

Turkey is a regional power and newly industrialized country. Its economy is classified among the emerging and growth leading economies ,20th largest in the world by nominal GDP AND 11th largest by Purchasing power parity.

It is a member if UN, NATO, IMF, World bank and founding member of OECD, OSCE, BSEC, OIC and G20.

 It is also an early member of Council of Europe in 1950, associate member of EEC, EU Customs Union and started accession negotiations with European Union in 2005


In 1930’s as per Albert Einstein’s suggestion, the Turkish Govt hired over thousand academics from Germany, in the field of medicine, natural science, mathematics, law and arts. This move embarked the journey of quality education in the region.

The quality of education is really high providing education and facilities on par with internationally renowned schools, often compared with universities of USA, and regularly visited by the US accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and their engineering program deemed substantially equivalent to programs in US

Turkish universities participate in the ERASMUS program of European Commission, aiming mobility within European Union, the European Economic Area, and other EU candidates’ states

  • Science and Technological Research Council of Turkey-(TUBITAK)
    Turkey’s R&D strengths include agriculture, forestry, health, biotechnology, nuclear technologies, minerals, materials, IT, and defence.

The most common foreign language is English, which in public schools is taught from kindergarten onwards, many employ native speakers of English as teachers

  • Recently, the European Commission and Turkey signed three agreements granting association to EU programmes for the period 2021-2027-
  • Horizon Europe, The EU research and innovation programme, Erasmus+, EU programme for education, training ,youth and sport and European Solidarity Corps

Researchers, innovators, students, pupils, trainees, teachers, young people can now participate under the same conditions as participants from EU member states


Turkey has become most sought-after destination due to quality education, low cost and being part of Europe several other advantages as well, for various course ranging from engineering to science to management, fees starts from 1.9 lakhs onwards

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