Does student VISA get rejected? Thirdwave has the best visa success ratio

Thirdwave Overseas Education is one of the top Overseas Education Consultants in Kochi, India. We offer students excellent career help and counselling and prepare the students for visa interview too. Thirdwave has a core team for preparing their students for visa interviews. We guide the students in arranging documents according to the visa checklist and verify the set of documents prior to the visa submission.

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The Reasons That Fails and Rejects Your Student Visa Application:

Here are some reasons below-

1. Tight budget or lack of funds: Funds are imperative for international academics. Lack of expenses or Insufficient Funds and Proofs to Support Foreign Education. Thirdwave guides students in arranging proof of fund required for each country and help them to get education loans.

2. Struggles to choose right course: During the visa interview, the Failure to Explain the Reasons for Choosing a Particular Course can be a reason for visa rejection. Our student counsellors provides detailed course description and syllabus to enrich our student’s knowledge.

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3. Wrong or incorrect documentation: Thirdwave ensures their students are carrying genuine documents for the visa submission. Set of documents for the visa interview will be checked and verified by our core team to avoid inappropriate documents.

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Applying for Student Visa comes with several aspects and reasons. Your academic dream is only possible if you are not failed to convince visa interviewers. Thus you need to be confident and stable to answer what is more appropriate for interview sessions for academic visa application. Choose the top abroad study consultants, Thirdwave overseas education for a success study visa.

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